Tuesday, February 7, 2012

EDSS 531: Journal #2

Quote from the text/video
What it means
Deeper thinking
1. “Creativity is as important as literacy” (Do Schools Kill Creativity? video by Sir Ken Robinson)

Robinson expresses his notion of the importance of creativity to the point that it is as significant as language and literacy.
This is an interesting idea that Robinson makes. I watched this video after reading part one of Pink’s book, and it is starting to make sense that there is a great importance in not only the left brain (logic and reason) but the right brain (creativity and artistic) as well. When I first thought about it, I’m wasn’t sure if creativity and literacy can be compared. Literacy is a means of communication, so I feel as though it is extremely important and relates to anything and everything. On the other hand, when I think about creativity, it can also apply to anything. However, I do feel it isn’t as essential as communication. So in conclusion (if that was at all confusing), I do feel creativity is important through education and life, but I am not sure I completely agree with Robinson in this case.
2. “if you’re not prepared to be wrong you will never come at with anything original” (Do Schools Kill Creativity? video by Sir Ken Robinson)

Robinson discusses the concept of creativity in relation to schools. He refers to schools influencing students that there is a wrong and a right, therefore, as he says, students are scared to be original because they do not want to be wrong.
Robinson explains that education is encourages non-creative minds in that it puts such emphasis on being right and wrong rather than coming up with original, creative ideas. I know I get the same feeling, as I feel many others possibly do too, of scared to be wrong when trying coming up with creative and original ideas. Does this start from the beginning of the education process then, when students begin to feel as though being right is more important that being unique and innovative? And what is it and how can we change this to put more emphasis on creativity? (Especially considering the future in jobs are pointing towards needing more innovative minds).
3. “We’ve moved from an economy built on people’s backs to an economy and society built more and more on people’s right brains” ( A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink, p.50)

Daniel Pink is making the point in this quotation that the “economy and society” began from people using logic (the left brains) and it is now moving towards a society needing more of a creative mind (the right brain).
The entire first section of Pink’s book explained how creativity and the person who uses their right brain is going to be ahead in the future economy. This point Pink makes does make it clear that creativity and right-brain functions are growing more and more important. This pushes me to try to incorporate this aspect into me teaching math. Math class has been very left brained oriented, but if it is growing more and more important to incorporate the right brain then a typical math classroom needs to adjust the way it is being taught. I would need to add more creativity to mathematics. This makes me excited actually. Creativity in math, which will also need to involve the basic logical concepts as well, will interest many more students in pursuing and learning more about math. I agree with this concept that the world is changing to need more people to use their right brain and that as teachers we need to do something about this, because we are educating the children for the future.
4. “It takes two to tango: a kid who’s lacking skills and an
environment (teachers, parents, peers) that demands those skills. (Greene, p. 164)

This quotation is simply explaining that there is two aspects of how a kid can be disobedient in the classroom. It is not only the child’s fault for not performing, but more importantly it is the teachers, parents, and peers around the child that also affect their behavior.
I completely agree with Greene in this quotation. There is no one person or group that is to “blame” for a child’s misbehavior. As we have talked about in the credential program, I feel it is our responsibility as teachers to create lessons that are meaningful and relevant to students’ lives as well as understanding each and every student’s needs. I feel the learning environment the student is in is essential to how the student is able to learn. I do realize that students can act out when they do not have the skills they are being asked to use in the classroom. As teachers we should understand, first, which students have which skills and, second, and then figure out what it is we need to do in the classroom to help or assist those students who do not have the skills needed.

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